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KEYNOTE: Variational Formulations and Distributed Convex Optimization Methods for...
Keynote Speaker - Donghyun Kim
Distinguished Lecture Series - Jorge Nocedal
Stephen Boyd. Domain-Specific Languages for Convex Optimization. 13.05.2015
21Sept10 Tutte On solving bilevel programming problems Jane Ye
Edward Burnell-A worker-centered approach to convex optimization in engineering design
Keynote: Joydeep Dutta, Bilevel Programming: A Personal Journey
One World SP Seminar (10/29/2020) - Prof. Waheed Bajwa
Francis Bach - Information theory through kernel methods
Financial Engineering Playground: Signal Processing, Robust Estimation, Kalman, Optimization
Lecture 19: Variational Algorithms for Approximate Bayesian Inference: Local Variational Methods
RSS2020, Test of Time: Award Talk + Q&A + Panel Debate